Current Skincare Favorites. Cruelty Free & Vegan

Current Skincare Favorites. Cruelty Free & Vegan

It's been a while since I have shared with you some of my current beauty favourites, mainly because I still use some of the products I shared in my last post,  Skincare Favourites , all t…
My Mid-Year Bucket List- Did I Succeed or Fail?

My Mid-Year Bucket List- Did I Succeed or Fail?

You often get to see the internet filled with resolutions and buckets lists especially around new years but how often do we see if the person stuck through it and achieved any of them? I…
It's been a year... Journey to independence

It's been a year... Journey to independence

With it being RHS Tatton again this year shows that it has been a year in my independence 'journey', I don't know what else to call it. Going to Tatton alone last year was the f…
Dear diary #1 It all started with a hello

Dear diary #1 It all started with a hello

Independence was a major thing for this year. After being in relationships since I was 15 ish it was time to embrace this opportunity of being single with both hands and start doing sh*t by…
Self-Improvement, Name Changes and Acceptance.

Self-Improvement, Name Changes and Acceptance.

This year has been the year where I have been determined to work hard on myself and to make myself a better person and it's so nice to say that its working and even family, that I see a…