Looking Back At Feburary

The construction part of our course started after Christmas and I love it, although I can’t carry any of it (unless you want one brick at a time). My team are really supportive of me doing the bits that I can, I must say that we was all quite proud for our first go!
Next month we are building the hardscaping for a garden that was designed for the garden design project, one person got there garden chosen so now we are working on building it in real life, pretty cool really.

Coming home at weekends means taking lots of pictures of my cute kitten Leo and being attacked by his 'playing'. He is nearly six months old now so he is having his balls chopped off next month so hopefully he won’t 'play' so aggressively. When he’s not taking playing a bit too far I must admit that is darn cute.

In our Plant knowledge lecture we were given the opportunity to help the local care project called The Flower Pod by planting an array of trees so they could be used for the fruits and to also coppice to make Flower arrangements.

The 17th was such a beautiful day and gave everyone hope that spring is on its way.
Fortunately our first lecture was outside so we got to enjoy the sun instead of being stuck in a classroom. Surveying in our high vis on the beautiful University grounds was definitely a plus.

Signs that winter is almost over and spring is on the way is the best feeling.

On the 21st, we went on a road trip to visit family in Manchester, haven't seen them in a while so was looking forward to seeing how my little cousins are growing into not so little cousins.

Snow hasn't been an issue in the midlands for quite a bit so we set off our journey without giving snow a thought. As we rose in altitude while going on to the peak district my brother noticed snow on the side of the road and seconds later we was in a full blown snow storm, bit of a face palm moment.

The snow wavered as we got near the end of the peak district and the sky turned a beautiful winter blue.

I came across a place called Unicorn Groceries on the Internet and wasn't too far away so after mentioning it my family persuaded me to go. This place was like my heaven, this shop was a co-op of loads of independent businesses all supplying non animal based products. I would have bought all the shop if I could. All the fruit and vegetables were organic and cost less than half of what large supermarkets are. If you’re passing by Chorlton i would defiantly recommend giving this place a visit. 

After visiting Unicorn Groceries we went on the search for a nice cafe. We came across a place called The Tea Hive, I was surprised to find they have vegan and gluten free options and as the doctor had put me on a gluten free diet for 6 weeks I could actually eat with my family.  

All the food was homemade and they have a huge tea selection (hence the name). I enjoyed it although my brother wasn't as enthused about it as I was.

I took this picture during our next surveying lesson, it was very very windy so I was trying not to let the wind blow me over (as I tend to fall over a lot) the lesson actually finished early because the very expensive equipment nearly got blown over! 

I volunteer at the Victorian walled garden on campus and that week was seed sowing week, the warm glasshouses and a tired me did make me very sleepy although I wasn't the only one who admitted to fancying a nap. 

Our lecturer bought these in as hellebores are on our ident list, it looked so pretty so I had to take a picture.

So that's my February.
 I'm looking forward to March were spring should start and it finally getting a bit warmer. I do really love spring, plants breaking out of dormancy and making everything look new and colourful again.

Devon x

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