The Vegan Kind #25 | Review

   I've got to admit that this month’s box is up among one of my favourites. This box celebrates the 2nd anniversary of The Vegan Kind and was filled with yummy food that needs hardly any preparation. Good in the fact you can eat most of it straight away but bad for my weak self-control.

Let’s start with this massive hunk of chocolate that tastes great but sort of breaks your jaw at the same time. This chocolate needed a hammer to break it. Aside from it nearly breaking my jaw it had a lovely honeycomb flavour in the actual chocolate as well as it being topped with mini pieces so not like other honeycomb chocolate I’ve had before. Moving on to the actual chocolate, I find most vegan chocolate taste like really cheap plastically chocolate which leaves a film in your mouth and doesn't melt like chocolate should. Anyway this chocolate isn't that, it melts and tastes good so thumbs up from me.

You know what the best thing about this box? It’s not just got one chocolate bar but two! Ok that sounds like a cheesy advert but this chocolate is amazing. It's made with rice milk so it is creamy/melty and has bits of 'Oreo' type biscuits running through...*dribbles Homer Simpson style*. This chocolate has already been inhaled but I’m going to look at where I can get more.

It’s quite weird that a lip balm came in the box as I had been scouring the interwebs for a new one. I was using up my old none cruelty free ones but they were just not cutting it and left my lips the same as before. I smothered this on my lips when I first opened the box and they've been so soft and 'pillowy' since. Have I mentioned before that this might be my favourite box?!

I've been wanting to buy some sort of badges or wristbands that has a subtle vegan message or awareness for some of my chronic illnesses but I've got to admit that I haven't actually looked but I had the idea in my head. It's sort of perfect that this turned up on my doorstep and I haven't stopped wearing it (mainly because I forgot I had it on, opps). I've got small wrists so even though it is quite big on me is doesn't slip off so it’s all good.

On to the elusive cheese and onion crisps, I’ve heard that this flavour is very sort after so it’s very hard to get your hands on and somehow they were able to get them. This is a big bag, the sort you're meant to share, ha I’m not sharing these... I had to take them away from my mum as she wanted more. I wasn't a fan of cheese and onion crisps pre vegan but it’s that whole 'you can't have them but when it's veganised they're the best thing in the world' type thing.

Lastly there are three microwave quinoa pouches, this is the only thing I haven't tried yet as it the one thing you can't just open and eat (apart from the lip balm of course). Well you can open and eat but you need a fork... These doing look super tasty from the little see through heart and I’m going to have one tomorrow for my lunch or as a side to a bigger meal. Hopefully I’ll remember to give an update on how I find them tomorrow.

Looking over the review of treats I got this month has made me realise that this is my favourite box that I've ever got, so in my opinion it definitely celebrates the 2nd anniversary of The Vegan Kind. Hopefully the boxes to come will as good but I appreciate that sometimes things I like are different to what other people might like so it gets me to try things that I wouldn't usually pick up and try.

Devon x

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