Ikea Mini Haul #1

Ikea Mini Haul

I've got to admit I'm a stationery junkie, I used to buy pretty notebooks and not want to ruin them by using them.. but a few years ago I realised that there is no point  having them if I'm not using them. I've got ones for my to-do lists, blog post ideas, health journal, rough recipes, and shopping lists so of course I needed another one... I justified it to myself that my other notebooks are too big and heavy to carry around so I had to get this one to put in my bag and the paper have cute grey dot on it.

Most of my washi tape collection are ones that I've picked up from Ikea. I find that I get put off buying from other shops because of the price but the ones in ikea are quite cheap. This time I picked up these pastel coloured pack. Do I use washi tape regularly? No, Do i still want more? Yes. 

A V pillow is one of them things I kept looking into but never bought as I'd seen a few spoonie's recommend them. I remembered seeing one in ikea before so scouted them out and picked one up as well as a case. Trying to get the case on was a mini workout in itself and it really hinders trying to make your bed look nice but apart from that I'm really liking it so far.

You can't go to ikea without getting food and since they've added veggieballs that's all I've had since. Im lucky that I live close to an Ikea because if we ever wanted to go somewhere cheap that also have vegan options, Ikea is one of the best place to go.
You can also buy veggieballs frozen which is what I'm going to do next time I go.

I just wanted to show off my new pillow, yep adulting much and as some people say 'the spoonie life chose me'.

Devon x

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