Personal Update: Hospitals, Fainting & Seeing The Positive

Hello you beautiful peoples. You might if noticed The Vegan Mermaid has been a little quiet recently, on the blog, instagram and twitter and this wasn't intentional. I started to pick up a good routine and I actually started to feel I was getting sh*t done, which is really good when you have unpredictable chronic illnesses. My stomachs have been having trouble digesting food for a while and one night I rushed to get my sick bucket and I must of gotten up to quick because my brother found me collapsed in the hallway. I've collapsed before and usually I'd recover quickly and I'd just get over it but this time it dragged over a few weeks. 

I've also had some more gastro tests, I had the gastric emptying test and a Barium Meal. The gastric emptying test went ok but the barium meal was another story. It was going well, I had to keep asking to sit down. About half way through the test I started feeling faint again so I sat down but that feeling didnt budge and only got worse.I fainted again, just as I was starting to recover from the one a few weeks back. I woke up on a bed in a corridor somewhere where they monitored me until I 'recovered', they weren't really bothered as a collapsed before. 

I'm hoping the results might be able to actually find me a diagnosis, the doctor is thinking gastroparesis which is something I have thought I had but hoped so much that I was wrong. I've been freaking out a bit about it, which is something I've never really done with any of my results. I've been eagerly waiting for a letter or some news. Just got to give it time and see what happens.

I've been loving the longer days and especially the sunnier ones. My favourite thing is when the sunlight hits my skin, it makes me excited for new things to come, for plants to grow and for things to come. My chickens love the sun too, you can guarantee they will be lined up sunbathing but I must add they would also sunbathe in the middle of winter with thick snow but as long as there's a ray of sunshine, they're happy. 

'You sure the timers on?'

Here's to sunnier days and shorter nights.

Devon x

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