The First Leicester Vegan Festival!

On Sunday 12th was the first ever Leicester Vegan Festival, promised to be jam packed full of food, artists, products and vegan campaign groups. It didnt disappoint, they only disappointing thing was missing out on so much amazing food because we were stuffed to the brim. To say that this was a new festival, there were so many stall holders and the amount of people made me so happy. Most stalls had completely sold out of food/products after an hour or so, which just shows how busy it was! Leicester vegan festival is currently a lone event but I believe they would be open do another if the results were really good so I'm guessing (hoping) that there would be another. 

I went with my newly vegan boyfriend and after a scan of the stall holders we spotted Harper's Bizare, I've had a few candles from The Vegan Kind subscription boxes so I automatically wanted a few more. After smelling every single one (sorry not sorry), I took advantage of the 3 for something pound and bought Parma Violet, Hare Brained and Fairy Cake. They smell so good, they've got all sorts of collections, retro sweets, patisserie, fresh, floral and are constantly trying out new concoctions and was surprised and excited to find them there.

Food wise we shared a platter of different curry dishes including two desserts, the platter tasted so so good. Neither of us could choose something we liked the least, minus the Jalebi which luke didnt like. We also picked up a few Buccaneer bars which are a Milky Way style bar from Go Max as ive been on the search for it for a while. We also picked up some vegan jerky from Primal, we always pick it up because we're addicted especially the texas BBQ one. I got some more Conscious Raw Mint Chocolate after getting it in The Vegan Kind #31. Luke's has been craving coffee and walnut cake so we headed straight to the stall where we spotted it earlier after we finished the curry platter.

Overall we really enjoyed going to The Leicester Vegan Festival, everyone was so lively and friendly and would love it if they became a regular thing or maybe once a year sort of thing. Dont forget that if your in the Leicester/Nottingham they're is Sneinton Vegan Market in Nottingham. It's not the same scale as the Leicester one quite yet but I've seen it develop and become larger as the months go on. It's so nice to enjoy yummy vegan food, support small, local businesses and see the event grow every time you go. What's better than eating yummy vegan food and being surrounded by people who love to do the same.

Seeing how much veganism in growing, with new vegan choices coming out all the time is pretty damn exciting!

Devon x

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