The Vegan Kind #36| Review

Getting my TVK box on my doorstep is one of the things I love that comes monthly, I can definitely think of worse things.. This month's box is supporting The Bodhi Shelter and Clinic which rescues street dogs in Phuket and rehabilitates dogs until they are healthy enough for rehoming.
Every Month you get around 5 items and a recipe card, this month's recipe is sweet potato brownies using the Sweet Freedom Fruit Syrup. I think my boyfriend Luke would love these!

First thing I picked up was the Crushed Apple and Banana Fruit Pouches, they are aimed at kids but I think they would be super convenient to chuck in your bag. Apple sauce isn't really a thing in the uk not unless you want it as a condiment for your Sunday dinner so didnt really think of finding it in the kiddy section. They would be a long life option for baking when you can swap out the egg for apple sauce. Will I go out and stock up on them? Probably not but it'll be a good way to enjoy fruit if my gastroparesis flares.

I've had the fruit syrup a few times before, not sure if it was from a TVK box or not but it's a 100% natural sweetener that uses grapes, apples and carob. I would describe it as a fruity golden syrup, it tastes like its ingredients funnily enough. I personally prefer Agave Nectar but this isn't a bad alternative.

I would say that the pack of 3 Sticky Toffee Mug Cake Mix was my favourite food  product from the box.  I'm a massive fan of mug cakes as you can get your cake fix pretty easily, easy to make and they take less than a minute. Perfect.
 I've had mug cakes from the same brand before that I'm pretty sure was a brownie mix last time. Even though I personally wouldn't buy a mug cake mix, as they are so easy to make at home, I think these would be good as a treat or would be great as a gift.

Ten Acre crisps are probably one of the top vegan crisp makers, giving vegans/dairy free people the option of eating cheese and onion crisps without the added milk that normally come with that flavour. I usually love these crisps as they're crunchy and full of flavour but these disappoint me sadly. They were really oily and not much flavour but I definitely recommend the cheese and onion as I mentioned before.

Oatly is probably one of my favourite brands ethically, especially on social media after the whole Alpro fiasco. They've recently released some new products such as creme fresh and custard which I'm excited to use. This box also came with a voucher for £1.50 off so I'll be using that. I'm going to make a hot chocolate with this carton later so should be tasty.

Last up, on the food side anyway, is some jelly worms from The Jealous Life. I've had these sweets in a box before but these were worm shaped getting ready for halloween. I saw some awesome ways that people used them. The best were worms in dirt cup made from chocolate chia pudding with crushed up oreos on top, I believe TVK shared on their Instagram which were perfect for halloween. The sweets themself were the 'tough' kind of jelly sweet, I don't know how else to describe them tbh. They were nice but gave most of them to Luke.

Best thing of all was a vegan pin from All Glamour No Guts. After following them on Instagram for a while I managed to pick up a t shirt, stickers and patches when I went to Vegfest in Brighton so I was happy adding this pin to my collection.

What would you love to try?

Devon x


As I ran out of time to post last month's review I thought I'd post the cute photo of Harper having a sneak peek.


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