That Cookie Though! The Vegan Kind #48| Review

You know how you can tell that the year is going way to fast? One of these beauties lands on my door step, which is one of the only good things of the days moving way to fast. 

First up is the MyProtein Baked Chocolate CookieI already know that I absolutely love this cookie as Luke bought a box of them with a MyProtein order a few months ago, and oh my gosh they're amazing. They are a soft fudgey cookie with dark chocolate chips, and they feel and taste a lot more expensive then they are. This is the perfect soft baked cookie with 13g of protein, made with pea protein. Usually, most protein powder can make a product really grainy, which really isn't nice but there is absolutely no evidence of it in the taste and texture. I could happily devour a whole box and I'm currently salivating at the thought of it. 

When it comes to jelly sweets there is only one brand that I've found I've liked, I've tried lots of brands before, including Biona but my absolute favorite brand is Goody Good Stuff. Almost all the time I buy jelly sweets it'll be Goody Good Stuff. These Biona Cola Bottles are more similar to jelly babies in my opinion and even though I didn't like/enjoy them I still ate them all because as most of you know you can never eat just one. They're a really good vegan alternative if you want to buy an organic alternative to other brands.

 The Geo Organics chickpea and lentil dahl is something that I would of loved pre Gastroparesis/gastro problems, although I did notice it didn't have any garlic in the ingredients and in my opinion back then was more garlic the better. I passed the dahl onto Luke (my boyfriend) to try and as these bowls can be stored in the cupboard, you can take them anywhere like to work or Uni. Luke's feedback to his exact words are 'It was meh. Very Bland'. I'm guessing its a huge no in the repurchasing question. 

Next up is Vive Peanut Butter Jelly bar, I really liked the taste and it actually tasted exactly like the real thing. This bar also has pea protein in like the MyProtein cookie and holds 10g of protein. I did find this really powdery but compared to the MyProtein cookie it overall is a healthier product. It is made with natural ingredients including dates, peanuts, coconut nectar and of course pea protein. It says on the information leaflet that is it also low GI which is slow release so you don't get that energy slump. Although its really powdery I would actually buy this again if I was going on a 'walk' or need an energy pick me up as there's nothing worse then an energy crash.

There's nothing better than a new candle and Harper Candles are a company that I love and have bought quite a lot of candles from. I just counted how many I have and I have 20 that I found. It's quite embarrassing especially since I have other candles that still need using up. I haven't even burned a candle over the summer. The candle that was sent in this box is called Little Black Cat which is a Halloween special and smells amazing. It reminds me of the sweets you'd be given on Halloween as a kid or strawberry liquorice laces.

Next up is the Lemon and Lime Sherbet Popcorn, I'm not really sure what to write about this, it's neither horrible or amazing. It's great if you want something different to the usual 'sweet and salty' for the cinema or movie nights in, but there is nothing better than salty and sweet popcorn in my opinion.

Last up is the Alo Comfort Watermelon and Peach drink. I left this to the very last minute to try as the thought of tasting aloe vera turns my stomach, even though I know the huge health benefits. I'm quite surprised at the taste, it tastes pretty good. It has a refreshing watermelon taste but there was one big problem, there are bits in it. I would have been alright with it if I expected them but getting a mouthful of slimy chunks that I assume are aloe vera was quite off-putting. After a few more sips I was getting used to it and it's actually a nice drink. If I came across again and was in the mood for a healthier drink other then water I would not be against the idea of buying it. 

These are never payed or sponsored posts (I wish!), I just genuinely love these boxes and I want to share my thoughts on the foods and products in the boxes. Anything take your fancy this month? I probably would repurchase the MyProtein Baked cookie and obviously the Harpers candles, although I'm on a mini ban until I use some of them up first.


Due to dyslexia some things may not make sense or are not grammatically correct so please let me know if there are any problems so I can correct it. Thank You :)

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