Too Cute To Eat! The Vegan Kind #49| Review

It's The Vegan Kind 4th Birthday! I received this box at the start of the month and what a box this is. Let's just look at that lolly! I haven't even tasted it yet, it's too pretty but it can't be one of those things I look at and Ooo at so I'll add what it tastes like below.

There is nothing that gets you more in a wintery mood then rhubarb crumble so when I opened the box and saw the Rhubarb and Raspberry antibacterial hand wash from one of my favourite brands Astonish, I thought it was a perfect thing to put by my sink this Christmas.

Next up is something I have tried before and actually love to pieces, its the sea salted chocolate covered fudge *drools*. Fudge is something I've always loved and it continued when I went vegan. It was easily replaceable with Fabulous Free From Freedom and when they came out with the sea salted chocolate covered fudge I kept an eye out for them ever since. They're incredibly moreish and have the perfect amount of salt for me.

To add more chocolate into the mix is the Organic Coconut In Dark Chocolate by Landgarten. I gave these to my boyfriend Luke to try out and he actually left me a few pieces to try them but I have no idea where they've gone as the bags empty, sob. Anyway Luke absolutely loved these, his actual review was 'Awesome, tasted like Maltesers' so it's definitely a yes on the repurchasing question. I'll have to keep my eyes out for these so I can try them myself.

The Crisps from Eat Real is something else both Luke and I love, Luke's absolute favourite flavour is the Jalapeño & Cheddar Quinoa & Kale Puffs flavour, he would inhale them like oxygen if he could. My favourite are the vegetable straws as there plain and simple, defiantly something I wouldn't of picked pre gastroparesis[?] but I'm glad I still get to enjoy them. 

Big Boss Palm Coconut and Vanilla Soda was something I was really hopeful for, my stomachs been off with coconut things, although I can drink coconut milk? I read that someone said it tastes like Turkish delight and how wrong they were. I really didn't like this and neither did Luke, who does like coconut. It reminded me of gone off orange juice because of the fizz. If you like coconut you might like this but it's defiantly a particular taste and a no from me. 

Good Hemp High Protein Hemp Flower is something I've never tried before, I've tried the hemp seeds from this brand and they're, well hemp seeds. This flour is meant to be mixed 1 part hemp to 3 flour to give it a higher protein kick. This months recipe card uses the hemp flour for sticky toffee cupcakes and they look delicious. You can use it for sweet and savoury recipes and I'm looking forward to trying it out.  

As I said before I didn't want to eat Hollie's Lollies Raspberry Prosecco Lollypop, just because its pretty but I accidentally dropped it and it shattered. I couldn't taste the prosecco but it's not like I actually know what it tastes like. I really enjoyed it and it didn't taste like fake raspberry. I'm not sure I would repurchase this myself as more of a chocolate gal but if I received another I'd be happy. 
As its the start of a new month already (whhaat?) I should be getting December's box of wonderfulness through soon. It's not often I eat all of the box within the month but this month all is left is the hemp flour waiting for me to make something out of it. Hope you all had a lovely November and are starting to get in the Christmas spirit, or not, you do you.

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