I Can't Eat This! | The Vegan Kind #51| Review

There is nothing better than celebrating the new year with new and familiar things landing on your doorstep. The first thing that caught my eye is the vegan whipped spray cream by Schlagfix. I had been wanting to get some vegan squirty cream before Christmas for the monstrous hot chocolates I had planned but everywhere I went I was met with empty shelves and heightened frustration that I left it until Christmas Eve to remember I wanted it. I was slightly peeved that it wasn't sent in the special Christmas December box as it would have been a perfect thing to top literally everything in sight. Now I've actually got my hands on it the only thing its been used for is seeing how much cream I can fill my mouth with without it going everywhere, oh and it tastes really good too!

I was really surprised to find Fat Gay Vegans book in this months box as the non-food item. I saw him at London Vegfest that I was invited to but never plucked up the courage to speak to him or anyone else I look up to for that matter. I've been a lover of his blog and Instagram for a while now as he's all things junk food and his non-bullshit views cut through all the 'clean eating' trends and beach body models that tend to be blanket the vegan movement. I struggle to read more than a couple of pages currently due to my M.E as it causes a deep-set flair of fatigue and illness but the size and font make it look like it should be easier to read so I can't wait to give it a slow read.

I have a new found love for mac and cheese since turning vegan as I really wasn't much of a fan before. I actually ordered a few Terra Vegane mac and cheeses from The Vegan Kind Supermarket a few months back so I can add the Mac-Alfredo style to my cupboard too. They taste really good and not got that weird plastically texture that most mac and cheeses that I've tried have. No weird ingredients just classic and real mac and cheese. I love to eat it will sweet potato and/or broccoli or to make it better you could bake it in the oven. It would be a perfect meal for non-vegan guests to tuck into or to tuck in on your own in front of a fire to warm you from the inside.

I've never been one to be scared of sugar so usually, I wouldn't pick up sugar-free sweets but I'm currently looking the empty packet of rhubarb and custard sweets willingly wishing I had more. Everyone who tried one wanted more. They don't have the overly sweet, fake and sticky taste that conventional sugar sweets have and they taste much more natural. I'm pretty sure that the Free From Fellows brand can be found in Home Bargains or a shop that is similar for a fraction of the price, they also make a few types of gummy sweets.

I love chocolate and I've seen the Organica Golden Coconut Delight Dark Chocolate bar before in one of my local-ish vegan shops but I've never been drawn to it before but I wish I tried it sooner. I thought it would be similar to a bounty bar and although it would satisfy a craving for a bounty bar it tases so much better. It has such a deeper toasted flavour and the dark chocolate compliments it perfectly, I could really eat another right now.

The next three things are, as usual, being passed on to my boyfriend Luke. As much I was a huge and I mean huge garlic lover I can't eat it anymore due to gastroparesis, even someone cooking it can set off some symptoms so its best if I steer clear of the Brave Roasted Pea and Eat Real Sour Cream and Chive Hummus Chips. The crisps are something that Luke eats on the regular basis as a treat and even I get to tuck in with the veggie straws as they're just salted. Our favourite crisps are defiantly the jalapeno and cheddar quinoa crisps or if your missing wotsits then there is these or a white cheddar flavour.

The Brave Garlic and Chive Roasted Peas smelt so good and from the strong and impactful taste and aroma of garlic and the subsequent garlic breath. Luke really enjoyed this protein-packed snack and would definitely buy them if he came across them again.

The Clearspring Organic instant porridge with sesame seed and goji berries is something that Luke hasn't tried yet. He doesn't eat much porridge anymore but when he does he always makes proats, protein porridge made from a protein shake mixed with oats. His usual chocolatey oats won't really mix well with goji berries and even if it did he doesn't like goji berries in the first place. There wouldn't be much point purchasing them and picking out the goji berries would there? I doubt anyone other then Luke will eat these as I sadly can't eat porridge (sob) so I think these will go to the food bank so someone else can enjoy them. It doesn't happen often that products won't get used but donating unwanted food that you will not get eat is a lot better then it standing in the back of your cupboard until it goes out of date even if you have the intention of eating them but you know you never will.

So here's January's box, it arrived quite late this month so another one will be landing on my doorstep soon. Quite an unusual story, it wasn't on my doorstep quite late in the evening but the following morning my mum left quite early for work and it was just sat there, way too early for the postman to deliver it and the postman came round many hours later. Where did it come from?! Hopefully, February will make it to my doorstep a lot easier than this one.


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