February Intentions| Motivations, Challenges & Inspirations.

The start of January left me feeling a tad lost, it quickly hit me that this year I'll be turning 25. I'm not one to be bothered about birthdays but having the realisation that I'll be nearer to my thirties then to my twenties hit me. I'll be nearer to thirty but no nearer to the steps that 'adults' usually take. I haven't been well enough to work or travel, I don't have my own place and I can't really look after myself so having children, like many people my age, is out of the picture. I've accepted that my life is not taking the traditional route and usually I take every day as it comes but becoming 25 this year made it all a little raw again so to combat this and bring my head back in the now I wanted to write some aims that I could work towards this month that wouldn't normally make it into my daily bullet journal.

|Take A Photo Everyday Even If It Sucks|

If you read my 10 facts about me post then you'll know that I love photography but I tend to go through phases, like anyone does, so I wanted to force myself to find something new to photograph every day for February to keep my brain active and creative. I've loved going out on little trips with my boyfriend Luke to explore and take pictures but you don't have to go out to have the opportunity to create something beautiful. Now I'm not saying that every picture is going to be a masterpiece but I'm going to try even if it sucks.

|Do Yoga At Least 90% Of The Time|

I'll be kidding myself if I say I'll try and do yoga every day. I think people with good health would probably agree with that too unless you're super disciplined yogi or that it's embedded into your routine. I've been loving following Yoga With Adriene and I'm currently working my way through the True thirty-day videos and although I cant finish some (I learnt the hard way, crash central over here). I have defiantly seen an improvement (when I don't overdo it) with motivation and flexibility. As some may know I have EDS so I'm flexible anyway but its more to be with it being a controlled movement and not about me flopping all over the place and subluxing things left right and centre. Best of all I start my day feeling more refreshed and ready for the day.

|Publish And Write One Blog Post A Week|

This is one that I don't know if I can achieve, you never know how you'll feel when you wake up to a new day but my goal for the year is to try and publish one post every one or two weeks but preferably the first. I don't know how this will go but I'm hopeful and optimistic and if this doesn't happen then it's no big deal I'll just try again.

|Post Something On Instagram, Anything!|

I've just noticed that I haven't posted on Instagram since Christmas day. I wouldn't really be bothered about but as I wrote earlier I've been loving taking photos so I've definitely got photos to post, I just haven't. Truthily I have never really posted any of the photos I've taken (apart from some blog photos), I've taken photos for years and all they have done is sit in a hard drive folder. Is it time that I finally do something with them?

|Get Changed Everday Even If It's Into Clean Pyjamas|

This isn't really my goal per say as its something my mum and Luke suggested but I whole heartily agree. It's often that the pyjamas I wear overstay their welcome on too many occasions, its always when I plan to have a bath or shower and I don't want to waste a pair of clean pyjamas but then my plan changes and I have to do it the next day. My plan is to finally use all them leggings in my draws and at least put something on, plus it makes your brain know its ready for a new day.

|Writing Something Is Better Than Nothing|

I get in this loop that makes me believe that I cant start something if something else needs doing, every 'blog break' I've had is because I get lost in this cycle and the thing that needed doing first never gets done so nothing gets done at all. Like today I wanted to do another few posts before I wrote this one but I knew realistically it was better to write this first so I accepted that and that's what I did.

I never expected that I had these many ideas floating around in my brain of what I hoped to do this February or all year to be honest but I'm going to give it a try and if not I can always try next month. What are your February intentions?


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