Catch Up & The Vegan Kind #52 | Review

Seems like only yesterday that January was dragging on, but now we've blinked and February is nearly over. I know there is only 28 days but come on. I was getting excited about seeing the tips of the daffodils finally poking through, a true sign that spring and warmth is on its way but currently they're hidden under the snow that the 'beast from the east (what?)' has brought over, so far the snow in Nottingham is melting as quickly as it took for it to snow in the first place, so I'm hoping we get some more because I'm going to be annoyed that we cancelled our planned trip to Edinburgh because of the chaos that it was meant to cause.

The First thing I opened was the Pomegranate Hearts from Biona, as I've said in different posts they aren't my favourite but these tasted amazing, I actually cut a hole in the back (to make them look unopened from the front) As you may be able to see there wasn't many left when it came to taking the photo. Oops, but the taste was totally worth it, I'd definitely pick these up if I fancied eating them again.

Mr Singh's Chilli Crisps are the next thing I wanted to try so I casually grabbed a couple and shoved them in while I was preoccupied doing something else and oh my, the heat hit me and stopped me in my tracks. They taste absolutely amazing but without seeing the heat measure at the top right of the packet I didn't expect so much of a punch. Being the nice daughter I am, I quickly offered them to my mum when she got home from work and had the same reaction as me, quite funny to be honest. My mum then did the same to my brother and he tried to play it off as fine and as the heat developed over time he admitted that they were getting quite hot, at this time my mouth had gone numb but I still ate a few more. I was surprised to see that there wasn't any garlic or onion in them so I could eat them without too much of a reaction from my stomach. I would defiantly buy these again and they're the best crisps I've had in a while.

Luke wanted to try the protein ball co. goji and coconut energy balls, it wasn't the best thing to try since he's not the biggest fan of desiccated coconut or goji berries and the grimaced look on his face told me instantly that it was a no. I tried them later on fully expecting them to taste disgusting but was pleasantly surprised. I liked the taste and texture so I enjoyed eating them but out of all the choice you can get of vegan energy bars, I think I would still pick Cliff, Trek and Nakd bars over these.

Scrummies Strawberry flavoured raisins and cranberries are something that would be perfect for a toddler as they taste exactly like sweets. I'm the type of person that just eats sweets if I want sweets, so if you like to keep it more on the natural side then these are perfect. They were actually really nice which is something I didn't expect so I could probably see myself buying these for a picnic, dependant on the price of course.

Rhythm is a brand I've tried before, they have chocolate bars and they also have biscuits that can be found in Costa, and both are perfect to have with a nice hot cup of tea (with soya milk). This one is Sweet and Salty Almond flavour and the bits of salt totally makes it, really yummy. So not only is it a really nice unique flavoured chocolate bar but it's also Organic and says it has less than 7g of natural sugar and is high in fibre. Top health food really... If you come across the chocolates (some can be found in M&S service stations apparently) then definitely pick it up and give it a go.

Fruu Watermelon Lip Balm is the non-food product this month, I have a ton of vegan and cruelty-free lip balms, most actually coming from The Vegan Kind subscription boxes themselves. I'd say I have loads but you never have any when you need them and in the cold snap that Britain is currently facing my lips have been super dry and chapped. The cold temperatures mean it takes a while to warm up but once it melts a little it protects, soothes and softens your lips making them nice and soft again.

The last thing is something I'm about to try, I've kept it until last as I can't get the hype about granola, people deem it super healthy but the nice ones are covered in sugar and the type with no/low sugar leave your mouth like you've eaten saw dust. I was saving it to have with my yoghurt in the morning but I've been opting for a nice warm bowl of rice porridge every day instead. I've just poured them out with some coconut and almond milk and I have to say it was exactly how I thought it would be, I really don't like. It doesn't taste of much and feels as though I'm chewing on hard dried out orange peel. Its a no from Luke and I. Would I repurchase? No.

Other then the Granola I would probably repurchase most of them, the lip balm would probably not be repurchased either, as I said earlier I already have a mountain of balms to get through and if I were to buy another it would probably be from Hurraw. I actually haven't had to pass on any of the food to other people to try either as I could actually try it all. If you're curious about my stomach issues I have a few posts up. HereHere. Favourite things have defiantly got to be the crisps and the chocolate and would buy them again in a heartbeat. Hopefully, the postman can make it through the snow to deliver March's box as it has got to come down from Scotland which currently has a red weather warning! If you're in the snow then I hope you can stay warm safe and cosy.


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