Vegan Creme Egg & Vegan Monster Munch?! The Vegan Kind #53| Review

Look at this photo looking all fresh and spring-like, whereas the view from my window is the complete opposite, anyone else feeling a little glum due to the dark and damp weather?!

I've seen some other people showing off the new box and managed to hide from any spoilers (so far) so thought I should share what I thought of last months box. Sent in time for Easter this box included a vegan creme egg from Considerit. Last years was a bit of a disappointment but this one was in complete opposite. I think last years had melted and reset so the chocolate was really brittle and chalky but this year was very creamy and like the non-vegan fondant egg that many, including myself, have missed. I was going to make my own but I couldn't so this definitely helped that craving.

The Quinoa Cookies were cute little individual wrapped cookies (not good for the environment but good for self-control). I don't know how but they melted in your mouth and were a tad dry at the same time probably because they're gluten-free. How they can be both I don't know. They were actually really nice and reminded of the fox's dark chocolate chip cookie (which are accidentally vegan BTW), so if you happen to be gluten-free then these are the perfect thing to try if you want a good, traditional chocolate chip cookie.

The Trek Toffee Triumph Chunks are something I've tried plenty of times and will continue to buy. They remind me of the Toffee Crisp Chocolate bar and as they're chucks I physiologically don't feel obliged to finish them all at once, not that I do. I think you can practically pick these up anywhere so if you haven't tried these why not, go give them a try. These are perfect for a picnic, or afternoon pick-me-up.

The Garlic Mayo from My Organics is something I've passed on to Luke, my boyfriend, to try as I can't eat garlic, boo. I don't think he has tried it yet but if he tries it soon then I'll give a little update.

The Fuel Chocolate Peanut Butter is something I really looked forward to trying, I tried to on some late night toast snack and I wasn't really impressed, I couldn't taste any of the chocolate flavour. I'm still going to eat it up on some more toast or on my rice porridge but I wouldn't repurchase it. Have any of you tried it, whats your thoughts?

The Eco Denta Coconut Toothpaste is something that made me make a funny face when I saw it, coconut...toothpaste... I would open it and try it but I don't want to waste the whole thing as I need fluoride because of my gastro disorders. Nobody wants it either so I don't know what to do with it, foodbank maybe?

Last up is the Supermoon Lentil Salt and Vinegar Puffs, I'm actually trying them right now and my initial thoughts are that they're decent. Even though they are meant to be salt and vinegar they taste exactly pickled onion Monster Munch! I was only going to try a few and pass them on but hell no I'm eating the lot. I love them and I need more! 

I definitely recommend the Trek Chunks, Supermoon Salt and Vinegar Puffs and even though you can't get the Considerit Creme Eggs anymore definitely keep them on your radar for next year. Anything you want to try? Lets hope the miserable appropriately named April showers (more like dark and wet all day) soon turn into some spring sunshine that I think we all need.


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