Veganuary! Some Things You Need To Know

With new vegan products coming in faster then we can keep up with veganuary this year is going to be the easiest to do yet. This being said we've all got to remember that people take the transition differently if it's a bit harder for you then don't give up, it will get easier with time and most importantly have fun!

My Biggest Tip!

Stick with what you know, but also don't... 
Start out cooking what you know, simply just replace the non-vegan parts with the vegan alternative, an easy way to get your veganuary journey started.  Once you get more comfortable you can start trying out new recipes and experiment, best way to expand your go to meals.

The perfect American pancake recipe.

Pancakes are one of my favourite breakfasts to have and in my time of being vegan I've manged tried my fair share of vegan pancake recipes. Some turned out to taste amazing and some came out with the consistency of glue... I'd like to think I've tried them so you don't have to. The viet vegans recipe is the best I've come across and my family agree. Perfect meal to start out your cozy sunday.

Betty Crocker Cake Hack

This is a quick hack that I've been using for years, a cheats way to make a perfect vegan cake that could fool anyone. All you have to do is grab one of the cake mixes* and add 300ml of a fizzy drink, which is just less than a can. Diet coke works well with the chocolate mixes and lemonade works well with vanilla. Cook for the same amount of time, just check with a toothpick, cool and luckily enough the icing is vegan too! 
*red velvet and rainbow are not vegan as they contain carmine please check the package before buying


The same products can taste drastically different dependant on the brand, try something you don't like? Don't give up, just try another brand. This goes for any foods really but especially things like cheese and milks. There will probably be something out there that you like.


There are lots of false statements staying how expensive veganism is but its like any way of eating, its as expensive as you make it. Keep in mind that it will be cheaper in time as you find brands and product you like.


Support is a huge thing to have, especially if you have friends or family that aren't as keen to support you while taking on veganuary. There are quite a large number of groups to join on facebook, those especially for newbies like the Veganuary groups that help with any question or query. Area-specific groups like for your own town/city tend to have a following that share their local finds or nationwide finds like vegan UK.
Instagram and Pinterest are good places to find inspiration if you're wondering what to try next and a great way to find out what's new in your area.

People To Follow

Recipes Channels on Youtube

Vegan Beauty and Cosmetics

Logical Harmony

Youtube Tasha Combs



Happy Cow finds vegetarian and vegan food near you.

Hope you find this post useful and I'm always available to answer your questions if I can.

Happy Veganuary!


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