Book Review | The Shadow Cabinet


The Shadow Cabinet (Book Two, HRMC)

Author: Juno Dawson

Ebook Arc


ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Oh, my gods! Just like its predecessor, the second book in the HMRC series completely blew me away. Jam-packed with feminism, self-discovery, sisterhood and betrail.
The shadow cabinet is the second book in the HMRC series and continues on from the cliffhanger of the first book. Focusing more on misogyny, spanning the magical and mundane world, as loosely quoted from the book, nothing men fear more than a powerful woman. This gripping story is an exploration of the possibility of redemption, the paths different choices take us down and the pull to rebuild past memories. Sometimes remembering costs more to your current self than its worth.

This series is one that will stay with me for a very long time, bring on book three!


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