Book Review | In The Lives Of Puppets


In The Lives Of Puppets

Author: TJ Klune

Ebook Arc

ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

'If above all else, be brave'

Back with all his charm, TJ Klune has a special charm at writing wholesome and humourous characters that make your heart glow and your face smile. In The Lives Of Puppets at its heart, is an exploration of AI, humanity, found family, or better described, assembled family. The way grief was explored was so raw and gutwrenching that it brought a tear to my eye, one of the best depictions I've experienced so far. 

Nurse Rachet has got to be my favourite character, her wit and sarcasm bounce perfectly against Rambos innocent and youthful nature. This group celebrates their weird, quirky selves. Allowing Vic, and later HAP, to fully explore who they are, it was wonderful to see some authentic gay ace representation. 

This book as a whole was a pleasure to read and can't wait to have a copy, or two, on my bookshelves.


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