The Vegan Kind #37| Review

The Vegan Kind #37| Review

Looks like there is going two posts on The Vegan Kind box in a row but never mind that. This is this  months offering of The Vegan Kind box is there 3rd year anniversary and like  every time …
The Vegan Kind #36| Review

The Vegan Kind #36| Review

Getting my TVK box on my doorstep is one of the things I love that comes monthly, I can definitely think of worse things.. This month's box is supporting The Bodhi Shelter and Clinic wh…
The First Leicester Vegan Festival!

The First Leicester Vegan Festival!

Gastroparesis |The Truth About Life With A New Diagnosis

Gastroparesis |The Truth About Life With A New Diagnosis

I've aways had stomach issues but nothing that it really affected my day to day life.  To be truthful I got diagnosed a few weeks ago and it completely took it out on me, I know that I h…
The Vegan Kind #31| Review

The Vegan Kind #31| Review

I love anything salt and vinegar flavoured, the stronger the better and most have the pesky milk powder in them for no bloody reason. The popchips were the first thing to sample and by samp…
Going Blue For M.E Awareness Day!

Going Blue For M.E Awareness Day!

As you may know May the 12th is Myalgic Encephalopathy (or M.E for short) awareness day, it's hardly known within society or even within the medical circles and that why people need to …
My Lucky Diagnosis Story| Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month

My Lucky Diagnosis Story| Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month

Hello and welcome to Part 2 of my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Series! Make sure you read  Part One  and maybe grab a cuppa. Some of you might be wondering what the hell is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (…
The Vegan Kind #30 |Review

The Vegan Kind #30 |Review

First things first, aaahhh there is the new Vego Chocolate!!! I saw that they'd released a new praline but never expected to try it so soon and it lives up to all my expectations. If yo…
Issues With My Tissues| Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month

Issues With My Tissues| Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month

[What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?] I thought I'd bring the start of Ehlers danlos syndrome (EDS) awareness in by finally watching 'Issues with my tissues', a documentary following…
Veganism & Medicine, Can I Still Call Myself Vegan?

Veganism & Medicine, Can I Still Call Myself Vegan?

I've seen multiple times people arguing on whether you should still call yourself vegan if you're on medication, most people say it's completely fine, that veganism is about cau…