My Little Vegan Lush Haul

I've got to be honest I haven't been in Lush for the longest time. I used to always pick something up when I went into town but I think it's the swarms of people inside that always changed my mind. This particular time I went in it wasn't any different, I'd even say it was busier but I knew what I wanted, bar a few extras so I went in. 

The main thing I wanted to pick up was the Unicorn horn, I've seen people go crazy over this bubble bar and it's not a permanent product so I wanted to try it before it goes. On the website is says it contains lavender oil and mood boosting neroli oil as the main scent which is perfect for a relaxing bath before bed. 

Dragon's egg is one I've had before, it's citrusy and refreshing and is super pretty. It's refreshing and apparently boosts energy and I'm always up for feeling less tired

I've been looking for a vegan and cruelty free purple treatment for helping reduce brassy tones for a while, I've heard of the DADDY-O one from lush a few times but was put off by the name. The whole dad thing is a sensitive issue for me but my boyfriend convinced me to try it and just remove the label so that's what I'm going to do.

Next I picked up the intergalactic bath bomb, I've had this one a few times before and I love it, it's so pretty and just makes me happy. It has peppermint oil and cedarwood oil which meant to be refreshing and earthy.

Which bath bombs are you loving?

Devon x

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