What I Read For Trans Rights Readathon & Who I Donated Too! | Currently Reading

My Tiktok for you page has been flooded by all the wonderful creators sharing about the trans rights readathon and I have loved every second, the number of books I saved and jotted down has my Goodreads quaking. I've been super busy with my Etsy shop recently, so haven't had as much time to read but I absolutely made sure to pick up my highly anticipated sequel to Her Majesty's Royal Covern, The Shadow Cabinet.  When I was granted permission to read this on NetGalley I audibly squealed. 

I have not stopped thinking about this story since I finished reading it months back, I truly didn't realise how impactful it was to me at the time, especially with all the harrowing things happening in the world right now.

Without wanting to spoil the entirety of book one by sharing the juicy details of The Shadow Cabinet, I shall share and encourage you to look into book one. I went into this book only knowing it involved witches and was whisked away into this unputdownable world of friendship, feminism, history and prophecies. 

This brings me to who I chose to donate to, Stonewall has had a lot of targeted abuse especially recently but they have been fighting for LGBTQIA+ people in the UK since they were founded in 1989 and I know for certain that the world that I know now wouldn't be the same without them. I've linked their impact lower down on this page. For transparency's sake, I've shared the donation below.

To whoever put together this readathon I thank you as well to the thousands of content creators that shared their wonderful recommendations. I do hope that tbrs that maybe lacked trans and non-binary representation now have been encouraged to pick up and give trans authors a chance. Interestingly, through this readathon and people's recommendations, I found that authors and books I love were actually trans/non-binary which I find amazing.


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