3 Minute Salsa |Gluten Free|Vegan|Fodmap

You look at most salsas, homemade or shop bought, and there is most likely have onion, garlic, mango and lots of fructose that doesn't follow the Fodmap guideline, obviously if you're not following Fodmap this salsa is still as easy, quick and just as yummy.

1/2 Red Bell Pepper
1 Beetroot
2 Salad tomatoes
Black Pepper
Dried Basil

Step one
Dice the tomato, beetroot, cucumber and pepper. 

Step Two
Put diced ingredients in a bowl and sprinkle with salt to draw out moisture and let sit for 2 minutes. 

-If you don't have 2 minutes to spare or your hungry then continue on to step Three

Step Three
Add the black pepper, dried basil and any additional spices you wish to add and mix. You could serve it straight away or save it in the fridge for later.

And Enjoy.

Ways to serve

I served it on griddled GF Bread.

I topped with lambs lettuce, vegan pizza cheese and the Salsa.

 Then drizzled with balsamic vinegar.

 Other ways to serve is with jacket potatoes, fries, sandwiches, mixed with gluten free pasta or however you wish. I especially like it with sweet chilli sauce dribbled over.

 If anyone decides to recreate these let me know in the comments or tag me on instagram @dev_furse

Devon x

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