Spicy Taco Wraps |Raw|Vegan|Fodmap|

Raw Vegan Gluten Free Fodmap friendly spicy taco wrap thing..

While staring at my fridge wishing for inspiration on something to eat which will fit into Fodmap and Vegan diet my eyes were drawn to the unopened little gem lettuce that i got discounted the other day.
I remembered seeing lettuce being used instead of a conventional wrap somewhere so I thought I would comble what i had into my own version. Ive got to admit that these were super nice once I got the sweet chilli sauce portion under control. The first one i ate had just a tad to much on so I was running around panting then chugged lots of brown rice milk, looking back it makes me chuckle.

I have no clue on what these taco, wrap, spring roll things are called so 'Raw Spicy Taco Wraps' will have to do.

What i used:
 5 Little gem lettuce leaves
1 Carrot 
1/4 Red Pepper
 1 Salad Tomato
 (you can include your own spice mix to suit your taste)
Dried or fresh basil (I used dried)
Black pepper
And Sweet chilli sauce of your choice  (fresh chill would work also)

This made five wraps so double or half depending how many you would like. You could also add other veg or fruits, Some that I had seen had mango and tofu shreds in it.

Step one
Use a sharp knife to cut  1/2 of the carrot and  1/4 cucumber into thin shreds and dice a salad tomato.
Step two
Grate the rest of the carrot and mix with the diced salad tomato to make a salsa. Add spices to the  salsa to suit your taste.

Step three
Lay down the lettuce leaves and place the shredded carrot cucumber and peppers down the middle. top with the salsa

Step four
Drizzle the sweet chilli sauce over the top (I found it easier to add to a cup with a small amount of water to make the sauce more thin and easier to drizzle)

Step 5 
Enjoy! this is siper easy and quick to make and even easier if your prepare the shredded veg.

Devon x

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