The Vegan Kind #21 | Review

The Vegan Kind #21

The vegan kind is a monthly box full of vegan goodies, this is my opinion of this month's box.

This has got to be my favourite box yet. Due to me being on FODMAP diet currently (from instruction from my doctor) I will have to pass up some of the items on to my Mum or Boyfriend to try out and get their opinions.


First up is the maple water, I've seen lots of people from America and Canada buying this in their ‘what I eat in a day vlogs’ but never thought I would be able to have it in the UK but alas it is here! It tastes like how you’d expect, water with a little maple syrup taste. It’s low in calories and high in Manganese. I didn’t know what Manganese was so after a quick google found that it helps bone growth, metabolism and thyroid health. I wasn’t overwhelmed with the taste though I expected so much more from the way people ‘hyped’ it up. If I see it in shops I may pick it up.

Next is the Chocolate Marshmallow lolly, as this had soya in it I had to pass this on to family…I admit it, that’s a lie, I shouldn't eat soya but I wanted to try a little bite and ending up eating it all. It was very yummy as I love anything marshmallowy and chocolatey and especially things with sprinkles on top. They even say it's lovely with hot chocolate but mine didn't make it that far.

Third in the box is the Roasted seeds and soya with goji berries. Due to the soya I offered them to my boyfriend to try. I must admit I didn't think he would like them but he loved them and finished the bag so I think this shows his opinion on these.

Next up is Ten Acre crisps in sweet and sour, yet again I can't eat these even though I want to. Because of the garlic and onion powder. Past vegan boxes have come with other flavours from this brand which I enjoyed. I gave them for my mum to try them. She said ‘they're very tasty and nice’ and even though I just offered her to taste them but she happily eat the whole packet.

Last up is another Harper Bizarre candle in the scent washing line. This smells like washing powder and is very fresh so basically what it is called.. I absolutely love the harper bizarre candles as I had a special christmas scented one is a december box. I want to order more as they are the perfect amount of scent.

As I said at the start this would be my favourite kind of box if I could actually eat it all but FODMAP may not be a forever diet (even though I like it) and maybe I could introduce more food to my diet including the little things in this.

Here is a picture of my cat Leo trying to fit in the box ha!

Devon x

If you’re interested in past or future boxes Click Here

*This product is bought with my own money and reviews are all my own personal opinion at the time. All photos are mine.

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