Oil Free Spicy Wedges |Gluten Free|Vegan|Fodmap

There is nothing better in my book then a potato, they can be baked, fried, mashed, crushed and roasted. Just with a humble potato there can be various meals and chuck some spices in there and the're even better. This quick,simple and spoon saving recipe can be prepped in advance and left in the fridge until you you want them.

You'll need:
A ziplock bag (any bag with do its just easier when its secure so they can't go flying if you accidently let go..)
1/4 measure spoon or you can eye it with a tea spoon
Baking tray.

2 Potatoes
1/4 tsp Dried Basil
1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
1/4 tsp Smoked Paprika
1/4 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Mustard Powder
1/4 tsp Garam Masala

Serves: one large mono meal or two side serving when accompanied with other food.

Step One
 Set the oven to 200°C and wash the potatoes in water and pat dry.

Step Two
Cut potatoes into wedge shapes, I found it easier to cut in half down the side and cut the half into threes following the inside middle to make sure each wedge is similar in shape. Put the wedges in the ziplock bag.

Step Three
Measure out the spices ( make sure to add more if you wish for them to be spicier) and tip into the ziplock bag filled with wedges.

Step Four
Shake the bag till your hearts content, when it's all covered tip onto baking tray and place them evenly or you could put the bag in the fridge until needed.

Step Five
Place in the preheated oven for 35 mins. You could turn them halfway through baking but this isn't compulsory. Once cooked serve
 and Enjoy.

You could serve these with your favourite vegetables, in between your favourite bread or with this 5 Minute Chutney.

If anyone decides to recreate these let me know in the comments or tag me on instagram @dev_furse :D

Devon x

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