New Alpro Yoghurt 'Go On' Taste Test!

I first saw these little pots of goodness on one of the many vegan groups I'm part of on Facebook, usually new things like this are advertised or at least known within Vegan/Dairy free communities but this, it either completely didnt catch my radar or everyone was a bit stumped like I was.

 For a quick review go down to the last paragraph.

We went out the next day to hunt some down, and I think it took around three Sainsbury's to find them. They were also on an introductory price for 50p but I believe they've been made full price at 90p.
They are meant to be at most big Sainsbury's and come in three flavours, blackcurrant, passionfruit and mango. Alpro 'Go On' is a 'strained' yogurt so basically a thick creamy yogurt or as I thought really creamy bit on the lid. 

I only got our hands on the passionfruit one the first time so picked up one each, asked when the next delivery was and went home, feeling glad that we finally got our hand on some. It's a thick flavoured yogurt with a fruit compote at the bottom. First thoughts were that they were smooth, creamy, fruity and felt a bit luxurious. The delivery was planned for the next day so after the passionfruit one being successful we wanted to try get our hands on the blackcurrant flavour. Most of the yoghurts were already gone but we stocked up on a few mainly because of the price being as low as it was.

I prefered the passion fruit but it does have some seeds in it which might put some people off, I'd prefer if there wasn't but whatever.

So would we buy them again and recommend them?
They are really nice but not something you'd eat every day with lunch, one because there 90p each so could become expensive and two that they are a rich yogurt so maybe best for dessert. It's really good to have another vegan option that's different than any other yogurt on the market at the moment.

If you've managed to try them what's your thoughts on the new apro offering?
Devon x


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