New Releases & Recipe Changes| Vegan News

There has been so many new releases of vegan food and it's pretty darn exciting. it's so good to see the rapid incline of demand for veganism and shops and restaurants are catching on. There's also been a few recipe changes and I dont want people getting caught out with things that were previously vegan.

Vegan Elf
Elf have gone completely vegan! All makeup products used to be vegan but the brushes were not synthetic but now they've decided to take the leap and make the whole elf line vegan.

Is Tesco Mince vegan or not?
Tesco have now confirmed that Tesco mice is actually vegan after one of the social media team announced it wasn't.

White Chocolate Buttons No More.
Tesco have discontinued their own brand white chocolate buttons.

More Vegan Quorn Suppliers
Vegan Quorn is now sold in Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Tesco and Waitrose! This will make it a lot easier to find. I'm unsure if it supplied to all stores or only the ones classified as large but it's a step in the right direction.

Jammie Dodgers are no longer vegan!
Many of you might know that they've added milk proteins to make the 'best ever recipe' which makes them no longer vegan or suitable for people with milk intolerances. There is even a petition to revert the recipe change which has reached most of the news outlets in the UK, you could sign here.
It's not all doom and gloom though as you can get a Jammy Dodger style fix with the Aldi version which is Vegan.There is also Tescos own brand 'Jammie wheels' which are also vegan.

Witherspoon's Vegan Menu
Witherspoon has released a vegan menu after it was confirmed that they were making one a few months back.  Trying to find what was on it I came across The Vegan Womble's post about the options vegans can have.

Handmade Burger Co New Menu
They've added two new vegan burgers! This company is definitely keeping up with demand and will soon be serving vegan ice cream for dessert. Fingers crossed more chains and independent shops and restaurants follow suit.

Swedish glaze raspberry Ice lolly
After the whole confusion about whether or not these were vegan due to staff online said they weren't suitable but the changing there minds later on, these are finally confirmed as vegan.

Morrisons Hazelnut Chocolate Spread are no longer vegan!
This was the cheaper option if you wanted a chocolate spread but they've added milk into the recipe so is no longer vegan. The more pricey Natures Store Hazelnut and Cocoa is another option and my favorite

VeganEgg has made it to the UK!
The Uk will be able to buy the amazing looking VeganEgg from 3 stores to begin with while they try and get it more established. the three stores are Seasons- Exeter, Ms. Cupcake and Ethica as announced on their Facebook Page.

 Vegan Flora
Flora have created a dairy free spread and it's also vegan. Its good to see bigger companies catching on with veganism, it's only going to get easier.

Morrisons Free-From Expansion 
Morrisons have really upped their game with vegan and free from produce. My local store have quadrupled the size including a large amount of own brand produce and cereals, breads etc that I've never seen before. They also stock lots of Coyo, KoKo &  Coconut Collaborative yogurts and spreads in the fridge, the Frozen section had also expanded. I also found three flavours of almond dream ice cream in the gluten free area (why do stores do that?).

All the Ice cream
Tesco have brought out a Toffee and Vanilla flavoured cornetto to go alongside the strawberry ones along with choc ice/magnum and fruit split lolly.
Morrisons have also brought out Chocolate iced desert, chocolate & vanilla cones and Strawberry & vanilla cones.

Overall veganism is making great strengths, companies are having to catch up with demand so there is constantly new products. More products = More convenience = more Vegans = more acceptance. I'm so excited to see what products are in store in the future!

Devon x

 *Information from Facebook accounts such as Vegan Supermarket and twitter with accounts such as Vegan Wiki & MyVSupermarket .*
*If any of the information is incorrect or if there is information I have missed let me know and I will edit the post*

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