The Vegan Kind #29 |Review

That time of the month again where I share what goodies are in The Vegan Kind box. I review each box to show you for one is the box worth the money this month and two is share with you what's inside. Before I decided to sign up for this box I used to love reading peoples reviews. If there was one or two amazing things in the box I would keep an eye out to buy them when I found them. I used the box as a way to be introduced to new brands and products, similarly to what I use it for now. What I like about physically getting the box it means I can make up my own mind on products as well as reading other people's views.

This month's charity donation is going to SNORES Special Needs Older Rabbits Sanctuary. Which caters to helping special needs and for elderly rabbits.

First thing I reached for after opening the box were the cookie shot bite size brownie bites from The Food Athenry. I've seen these before, on somebodies youtube I believe (HighCarbHannah?) and they absolutely loved them. I've got to agree, these are so flavorful and give you a mega chocolate hit but best of all they are low in calories. I dont know how they taste so so good with low calories but I'd like to place an order for 657096 please.

Next up were Red Onion and Black Pepper Sweet Potato Crisps by Hectares, I was given this flavour crisps from a goodie bag for signing up to The Vegan Life magazine so now I've got two packs too much on. Well I've opened one up just now and I'm munching of them as I type. They're really crispy and not soggy like some sweet potato crisps can be like. There a nice sweet oniony taste to begin with and then the fiery black pepper is like bamm! Did I enjoy them? Yes. Would I buy these again? Maybe, I wouldn't go out purposely to buy them like I do with some foods but if I saw them then I might pick them up.

Red Hot Chili Pepper Spacebar by Wheaty, I loved the texture of this, it's the same as tofu dogs but seitan based. Now this is a wheat based product and I've meant to have cut gluten out of my diet because it makes me ill but silly me still ate it. I can have a small amount of gluten without it affecting me to much so I dont think this did. Anyway, I loved the texture, it tasted good but I didnt really get any chilli. My cat also became obsessed with trying to eat it, when I finished it he picked up the wrapper and licked the wrapper clean. I guess it was a thumbs up from Leo too, not that he has thumbs.

Vegan for the Animals magnet and Choose Compassion sticker are sold by The Vegan Kind. I bought quite a few stickers, badges and patches when I went to Brighton Vegfest so seeing more made me giggy. I'll probably stick the sticker on one of my bullet journals and the magnets going on the fridge to either to annoy my family or plant a seed. 

Soypresso, is a drink that my inner coffee/caffeine lover is excited about but I think I'll pass it on to my boyfriend as caffeine isn't good for M.E/CFS. Ill give it him but then probably I will nick a few sips just so I can try it.

The best thing of all is what I saw last, A VEGAN CREME EGG...A CREME EGG THAT'S VEGAN!! I'm quite lucky that I found one of these last year, (I dont remember where but maybe Birmingham?) and they were everything they should be. I dont have a clue if this one is the same brand or maker but Creme Egg were one of my favourites pre vegan (until I ate so many that I made myself sick of them) and I'm really looking forward to eating this.

So this is The Vegan Kind #29, this is one of the better boxes in my opinion. There is nothing in there that I wouldn't eat or look forward to trying. The best thing in this box was the cookie shots definitely.

Thanks for reading, anything you'd love to try?

Devon x

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